We have a general google calendar that is accessible to everyone.
If you have a uwmidsun email account:
- Open up your calendar from your own account
- On the left side of the screen, type in Midnight Sun to the add co-workers calendar text box.
- Add the calendar owned by solar@uwmidsun.com
- You now have readable access to the group calendar
Adding the calendar should look something like this:
Q: But how do I edit stuff?!
A: Google security which we can't change only allows view on other people's calendar for obvious reasons. The only people that can edit are the domain administrators, the team's project manager(s). Any other edit access has to be added manually. Contact your PM to get edit access. Use this link to add it to your Google calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/2?cid=c29sYXJAdXdtaWRzdW4uY29t
Click this link on an iPhone to subscribe to the iCal: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/solar%40uwmidsun.com/public/basic.ics