Preliminary Checks
Checking shorts between 12V+ and GND
No shorts exist
Check fuse
There exists a short between HV_POS and R1
Low impedance on the same net
Short between Pin 6, Pin 8 of Vicor Module and the 12V output
No short between HV_POS and HV_IN on the Vicor module
Impedance between HV GND and LV GND
High impedance on DMM
HV and 12V should be open
HV and 12V are not shorted
Check input and output power
Sweep through the voltages (max 150V). Find out where performance is optimal and where it’s not very good
Check with different loads. Sweep through the different loads (Constant Current or Constant Resistant)
Discharge circuit
Make sure it works :)
Charge and discharge time of the capacitors (using a scope).
(Maybe include a sense resistor to step down voltage and test)
Transient Analysis
Measure the voltage for the Inrush Current Limiter. Use a scope to see how long it takes to reach 12V
Ask Strategy what they want from our validation
Audible noise
Should hear no noise
See how the board performs just with the heat sink
Place the fan perpendicular to the fins (air should be parallel to fins)
Fault Mode
Draw 18-19A of current and let it trip. Red LED should turn on
TODO : Read through the conditions to figure out what causes the fault
Overcurrent, overvoltage, overtemperature
Stress Testing
Run it at 150V/ <nominal current> for an hour
See how thermal characteristics, efficiency changes over time
Ensure none of the fault conditions are triggered (since we don’t trigger fault condition during the actual race)
Fix if something goes wrong
Inrush Current
Specifically with the capacitors
Test the output one (doesn’t blow anything up)
Using clamp meter to measure inrush current