From this pdf, acrylic just does not meet the regs (looking more into this). But, for
I was looking into MSXVII choices for windshield and acrylic was one of them and is commonly used for custom windshields, but at the same time 2018 regs did not have the requirement of a Notched Izod Impact Strength of at least 30 kJ/m2 (ISO 180/1A) or 320 J/m (ASTM D256).
Final Thoughts:
Based on the research thus far it seems that polycarbonate is the right direction to head in. The exact thickness still needs to be determined.
Next Steps:
P&A Plastics Inc - Hamilton (MSXVII mentioned them)
Located in Hamilton so it’s closeby
They make custom windshields for boats and motorcycles
Will call/email them to learn more about their requirements/rates/ability
2. Polymershapes - London