We are using WaveSculptor22 for motor controller, see TritiumWaveSculptor22_Manual.pdf (tritiumcharging.com) for docs.
The motor controllers (MC) are a third-party board with a custom CAN communication protocol. The MC must send and receive messages to the driver controls (DC), however because the MC protocol is strict and thorough it requires abstraction from the rest of the system. The motor controller interface (MCI) handles this abstraction.
WaveSculptor’s broadcast messages can be found TritiumWaveSculptor22_Manual.pdf (tritiumcharging.com) section 18.4
Note |
18.4.2: Status: Error Flags uses bits 1-8 instead of 0-7, |
WaveScultpor drive command message can be found in section 18.2
Code Block |
id: target: data: velocity: uint8_t (m/s) ? rpm: uint16int16_t or uint32_t depending on motor max rpm(-32,766 - 32,767) bus_voltage_v: uint32uint16_t bus_current_a: uint32uint16_t mc_limit_bitset: uint8_t mc_error_bitset: uint8_t motor_temp_c: int8_t ? heatsink_temp_c: int8_t ? dsp_temp_c: int8_t ? |