Project Summary
Route modelling encompasses the route, speed limit, and elevation data collected about the expected race route for the American Solar Challenge. This type of data about the route will be fed into the optimization module to determine the changes that need to be made based on route environment.
A smaller subcomponent of this project will also focus on Formula Sun Grand Prix and assessing the track. This will focus mainly on turn radius and optimal path for the vehicle across the track.
Have a map of the upcoming race route
Log data for elevation changes and speed limits to determine limiting factors or areas that we need to be concerned about over the course of the race
Coordinate list for the ASC race route
Map of ASC race route
elevation list for each coordinate point
speed limits for coordinate points
Stoplight/stopsign locations (if this data can be found)
Using Bing Maps API
Tested stoplight/stopsign data with OpenStreetMapsAPI, was difficult due to data being gathered by drawing a box and the data was inconsistent