A plate covering the entire horizontal surface of busbars on top of modules to isolate busbars [3]. This is made up of 2 layers: fish paper (electrical grade vulcanized fiber with adhesive backing) [4], and some sort of rigid material used in rev 2+. The fish paper is applied directly to the busbars immediately after spot welding to avoid potential short circuits when manufacturing [4]. Better materials, e.g. Formex were proposed, however, it is noted that these materials may be difficult to find or costly to obtain. The final module used potting compound instead of fish paper to fully encapsulate the spot welds [7], which protects them from damage. See Potting Batteries .
Balance Taps:
The modules will still be mounted with discs glued to the bottom of the enclosure at the corners of the modules. [4]
They should also be the mounting points for cable management brackets in the outer rows[4]
Poron (polyurethane) added to bottom of modules to provide cushioning and vibration dampening[4]
Thermistors placed directly on busbars as the heat from busbars will heat the thermistors faster there [8]
ASC recommends 1 thermistor per 12.5 cells [8]
Useful Terms:
Contact Resistance: Resistance added because of the interface between two surfaces. Useful to know because this occurs in the contact between anything that touches the busbars (Better check on that). It’s essential to minimize this to minimize power loss [3].
Battery Modules MSXIV - Mechanical - Confluence (atlassian.net)
Battery Module Concept Rev 1 - Mechanical - Confluence (atlassian.net)
Battery Module Concept Rev 2 - Mechanical - Confluence (atlassian.net)
Battery Module Rev 5 - Mechanical - Confluence (atlassian.net)
Battery Module Rev 7 (Final) - Mechanical - Confluence (atlassian.net)
Battery Module Rev 6 - Mechanical - Confluence (atlassian.net)