All modules must be identical
3 voltage taps per module
As safe as possible
All bolts should be electrically isolated //TODO: Find out how to do this
Low budget, fast, safe manufacturing
Most manufacturing should be done on campus, quickly (so no mass soldering)
Low power cooling
//TODO: Find out how they did this in MS14MSXIV selected Forced Air Cooling over Liquid Cooling, Phase Change Interstitial Material, and Conductive cooling to catamaran.
MSXIV had multiple fans in parallel to cover the whole width of the battery box.
Normal operation and thermal runaway safety
//TODO: Find out MS14’s solution
Elegant [1]
Easy to assemble [2]
Easy to test [2]
Minimal metal tools required for assembly (for safety) [2]
Minimal loose bolts when removing modules (again, presumably for safety so no loose bolts get lost and end up shorting on anything) [2].