To doCompleted Today:
Timeline for Design Challenge / Training (2 months - finishing during Reading Week)
To be reviewed by Kevin and other advisors
Preliminary Mech Milestones and Tentative Dates
List of Milestones:
Research End Date (transition into design phase)
Will this include selection of materials for large systems (e.g. chassis tubes, body shape, etc.)?
Mech Design Freeze (For detailed milestones, specify subteam design freezes)
Start-End Welded Chassis
Start-End of Aero Panels
All Dynamics Components in-House
Rolling Chassis
Battery Modules Completed
VDRs Submitted - Dependent on ASC schedule (March of the competition year)
Finish Car (with 8 month Contingency ~30%: End of Dec 2023)
Start-End Testing for Full Vehicle (4 months)
Race Day (Early July 2024)
To do during Mech Check-in:
Set more dates
Aero-Chassis Integration
All Dynamics Components Ordered/Undergoing Manufacturing
Battery Bulk Order
Battery Cells Tested
Battery Prototype Modules Completed
Race Preparations (includes: driver prep, race operations, logistics to ASC, etc.)