Endowment Funds are funds set up by various internal organizations in the University, which is then distributed amongst other student clubs, initiatives and projects.
These funds are essentially the only thing that allow us to purchase anything - we have no spending money due to our account’s debt but since these funds are not income that is injected into our account with the exception of Dean’s, we . We can use all of them an earned funding from any of these sources to purchase manufacturing and testing materials as well as other items needed by our team.
We have seen higher success rates in acquiring funding from MEF, WEEF, Dean’s Funding and EngSoc in that order.
We have applied to the Accounting and Finance Endowment Fun (AFEF) as well as the Arts Endowment Fund (AEF) but they have rejected us multiple times citing that we as well as the proposed asks are not of great enough value for their faculties.
Process of Applying for each fund