Fund Name | WEEF | EngSoc | MEF | Dean’s Funding |
Occurrence | Every term | Every term | Every term | Every Fall term |
Maximum we’ve received in one term | $6950 | $900 | $15,000 | $7500 |
Amount we usually applied for (NOTE: may depend on rumors about the fund’s term budget) | $5000 - $8,000 | $1,000 | $18,000 - $20,000 | $7,500 |
Partial Funding (i.e. will you accept less than what you have requested and how much?) | N/A | N/A | $10k, $12k | N/A |
What we’ve typically applied for funding for | Electrical components + tools | Tools | Mechanical raw materials, tools, manufacturing services | None - goes towards our team account |
Application Structure | Long answer questions Presentation | Long answer questions 10-minute video | Long answer questions Presentation | Long answer questions |