- Replace mezzanine connector with 0.8mm pitch equivalent to increase lifespan
- Remove extra regulator circuit (Kevin's)
- Fix all footprints to match the Hardware Style Guide (WIP)
- Replace board info silkscreen as directed in the Hardware Style Guide (WIP) (TBD)
- Replace connectors? (TBD)
- Combine SWD and UART headers (we may be able to hack the programmers to also be UART to USB adapters) or replace them with prototyping headers
- Add pin 1 to silkscreen
- Silkscreen pinout for connectors
- Smaller crystals
- Reduce induced ripple on 12V rail
- Improve ripple behavior on 3.3V rail
- Calibrate regulator to 3.3V (currently at 3.36V)
- Get stencils
- Add holes for mezzanine pegs
- Male side of mezzanine on controller board
- Switch signal connectors to 1.5mm Clik-Mate and power connector to something else