Versions Compared


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June 28th


  • cleant up the mockup table for easier use and searching - please keep it this clean or cleaner!

  • Added all ESD mats, ground connections and wrist straps (did this last week but will add it here)

    • Whenever testing on mockup or motor bench, please use the wrist-strap to minimize ESD effecting components

  • Found telemetry stuff including PoE module, bullet, rpi, gps/lte hat, antennas (all from MSXII besides gps hat which I picked up yesterday from James) → will go in later to set it up and see if the PoE module is working as it should

June 28th


  • reflowed UV Cutoff board (ready for validation)

June 29th


  • set up the “telemetry mockup” after finding all the telemetry stuff used in MSXII. It is a “tapey” solution for now once i confirm everything is included as needed. Installed raspbian on one of the Pis from MSXII for the purposes of telemtry testing, not sure what else fw would like. TLDR: Turn on the supply and it should be good to go! The following briefly explains setup:

  • Set up the pi to interface over ethernet to the poe module that is connected to ubiquiti bullet. The power supply connects to a 12V breakout board from MSXII that supplies power to a 12V-5V OTS regulator meant for car usage, that with some barrel jacks in between powers the pi (i had to sacrifice the usb B end of a usb to microusb connector for the easier powering option). HDMI from pi to monitor and logi unifying device for mouse and keyboard on USB port. GPS+LTE hat on top of the rpi connected with usb-microusb. The ubiquity bullet has an antenna, the rpi hat has a connector for gps and lte to either antenna (note: do not unplug the connector too much it is a fragile board connector and can survive very few connector cycling). Finally I just connected the peak-can dongle cuz there was one in the MSXII telemetry components.

  • tested ps for main rails when supplied with the power supply input, and saw that it maintained a output 13.5V to front pd! this means jump start definitely works, but need to check if the cell is disconnected once the output is maintained. Did not see any shorts, and did not try any other inputs. Will check all this once I start load testing

June 29th


  • finished soldering remaining components for Center Console board (ready for validation)

July 3rd

Jess + Aashmika


    • checked fan control front curve by forcing the new rear rev to be front

    • works but range is limited from 0-49 (just printing fan speed)

    • checked physically by slow-mo filming the fan lol, you can see the different speeds


    • small bug: not initializing the adc pin for 3v3 cell sense Hewitt McGaughey

    • printing doesn't work very well with the PRI etc etc formatters on ARM Hewitt McGaughey

    • Code Block
      [0] projects/power_select/src/power_select.c:115: Voltage hu: 0 mV
      [0] projects/power_select/src/power_select.c:115: Voltage hu: 1 mV
      [0] projects/power_select/src/power_select.c:115: Voltage hu: 2 mV
      [0] projects/power_select/src/power_select.c:153: Current hu: 0 mA
      [0] projects/power_select/src/power_select.c:153: Current hu: 1 mA
      [0] projects/power_select/src/power_select.c:153: Current hu: 2 mA
      [0] projects/power_select/src/power_select.c:126: Temp hu: 0 C
      [0] projects/power_select/src/power_select.c:126: Temp hu: 1 C
    • with fix in place, still gives wrong input

    • powering from aux constantly power cycles the controller board?? no good

    • swapped the big LT4417 with the old power selection

    • may have fried parts of it by putting it on backwards (may it rest in peace)

    • Continued after jess left:

      • Replaced the LTC4417 once again, but found that the power supplies would be turned on and connected but still would either cycle the board or make loud sizzling sounds

      • Probing the 3V3 rails when the power supplies were off resulted in around 2.5V being recorded, which was weird since by itself the cell was 3.3V. The 3V3 rails on the board itself also probed to about 1V with some randomness that might be attributed to the probes being used at the time

      • took out the cell and tried again without it connected, and the power path switching started to work consistently with all three power supplies! Not sure why this worked talked with Nita who found this in the block diagram of the LTC4417, which shows it might get temporarily powered through the V1-V3 and might get enabled through the following

      • The sequence for how it turns on almost seems like an inbuilt turn on function, in which when one of the power supplies is turned on, the vbat on the output turns on, then off (briefly) then on again for the rest of the duration of the board getting power. I took pictures of the scope with the following images:

      • Nita will be helping me look through the datasheet to see if this is an intentional possibility. From those consistent waveforms, it seems like this is being done by the IC and not due to surge or any transients.

      • there is still some issue when I turn on the aux power supply in which the vbat starts to turn off and on repeatedly and not hold vbat steady. This makes me believe that there might be a transient cuasing the vbat line to go high temporarily and for it to hold the timing has to work with a high pulse to enable the IC for the right amount of time before connecting an input.

      • One thing to note is that this behaviour although not well documented was observed with the previous revision of power select, and was kind of used but not looked into so that it could be incorporated with the rest of the mockup table to give power to other boards.


    • all the LED buttons should be in the right-ish place for the new rev

    • LED neutral and drive switched or something but no biggie

    • didn't test extensively with states but things seem broken

July 5


  • began assembling Solar Sense rev 2

    • was not able to place all components before using reflow oven

July 6


  • continued assembling Solar Sense rev 2 by hand using heat gun and soldering iron

July 7


  • continued assembling Solar Sense rev 2 by hand using heat gun and soldering iron

July 9


  • started testing solar sense, updates on the validation page here: Solar Sense Rev 2.0 Validation

  • also got a cart from graeme to eventually hold our solar testing rig once we get to testing with the old array!

July 10



  • Swapped SEL pins to match schematics and got readings!

  • scaling factor seems way off

  • Basically, they have unique scaling factors?

  • turning the left pot (near the input) changes the reading

  • scaling factor is (voltage measured at MPPT input terminals) / (raw reading)

  • have to figure out how to test range / what settings we want before tuning all the MPPTs and finding a scaling factor

  • 32 cells, voc .73V. Max input is 23.36V. We want to capture 0-max.

  • NOTE: 0x3ff is the max reading. We want 0x3ff to be at 24 or something then.

  • actually, since scaling factor is already 26.1, we want 26.1 to be at 0x3e8

  • range is 7.210-26.3 ish

  • counter-clockwise to increase scaling factor (decrease raw), clockwise to decrease scaling factor (increase raw)


    1. Set input voltage to ~21.6

    2. Run smoke_spv1020 and watch output

    3. use a sharp thing to twirl the left MPPT pot until the raw voltage reads 0x3e8, +/- a few

  • current was reading 0 for the MPPT which is probably fine because it's output current
    SOLAR MCP3427s

  • smoketest should be on channel 2 lol

  • can read voltage, need to tune pots to be at correct output voltage (26V)

  • range is 17-28 V

  • resistors have to be modified, since 28V scaled by hardware is out of range for mcp3427


  • updated the smoketest a bit, tested it and it works ok, merged because it would be convenient to have on master

July 10



  • was able to send and receive can message to controller, activating charge state, and activating charger controller

  • Charger controller is sending messages, but nothing is going over the mcp2515 network. Ran the smoketest in loopback mode to verify the mcp2515 but it fails, indicating that the issue is with the mcp2515. Next steps are to scope the different pins of the mcp2515 to see where the issue may be arising


  • Ran installation on the pi, so all the software needed should be on it now.

  • Looked through the GPS code, need to verify pins are correct for operation of SIM7600, goal is to be able to read GPS data.