R135 (resoldered)
C61 (resoldered)
changed R7 (4.7k → 1.21k)
At this point I flashed the controller board with the PD firmware (power_distribution) and connected the controller to PD; after soldering some jumper wires (for VBAT and GND), the board was connected to the DC power supply. The power supply was set to 13.5 V with a 0.80 A current limit; when the board was powered on I noticed that some LEDs were periodically blinking on and off (LED4 and iirc LED27 and LED23). I was also getting incorrect voltage readings for V5 (5 V) and V1 (3.3 V).
Connector | Reading (volts) |
Main_Pi | ~0 |
Driver_Disp | ~5 |
Spare_5V_1 | ~5 |
Spare_5V_2 | ~0 |
Left_Cam/Rear_Cam | ~5 |
Right_Cam | ~5 |
MCI | ~13.7 |
Steering/Solar_sense | ~13.7 |
Spare_1 | ~13.7 |
Main_Disp/BMS | ~13.7 |
Center_Console | ~13.7 |
Rear_Cam_Display | ~13.7 |
L_Disp/Chgr_Interface | ~13.7 |
R_Disp/BPS_strobe | ~13.7 |
Spare_2 | ~13.7 |
Spare_3 | ~13.7 |
DRL/Brake_light | ~13.7 |
Turning_Light | ~13.7 |
Fan Control -
Fan group 2
Fan group 1
Pin | Reading (volts) |
1: GND | ~0.14 |
2: IN0 (input 0) | ~0 |
3: DEN | ~3.25 |
4: NC | ~0 |
5: DSEL (diagnosis select) | ~0.14 |
6: IN1 (input 1) | ~3.25 |
7: NC | ~0 |
Pin | Reading (volts) |
1: GND | ~0.14 |
2: IN0 (input 0) | ~3.25 |
3: DEN | ~3.25 |
4: NC | ~0 |
5: DSEL (diagnosis select) | ~0.14 |
6: IN1 (input 1) | ~0 |
7: NC | ~0 |
Just like the table for U13, as you can see in red, pin 6 is zero!!! It should be around 3.25 V. But pin 6 is soldered correctly, so I needed to look elsewhere. In this case, I moved onto R80 which is the resistor array that is directly connected to U14.
Pin | Reading (volts) |
8 (connected to pin 2 of U14) | ~3.25 |
5 (connected to pin 6 of U14) | ~0 |
As you can see in red, the voltage at pin 5 is zero!!! It should be around 3.25 V; this issue again points to another soldering issue but where?
Throughout this process, for some odd reason, LED22 randomly decided not to turn on, but this was easily solved by soldering pin 4 of R115 (same process for LED17).
use power_distribution firmware
soldered a 2 pin 100 thou header to Fan Control
solder 4pin 100thou header to Fan group 1
connects to 12 V fan
after powering on the board, the fan spins, but doesn’t adjust in rpm when I turn the pot
automatically detects as rear board (in minicom)
LED27, LED23, LED4 stay on
LED1 of controller board stays on
VBAT: ~13.5 V
V5: ~5 V
V1: ~3.3 V
LED27, LED23, LED4 stay on
LED1 of controller board stays on
LED27, LED23, LED4 stay on
LED1 of controller board stays on