This program turns on all load switches so I was able to measure the following:
Table 1
Connector | Reading (volts) |
Main_Pi | ~0 |
Driver_Disp | ~5 |
Spare_5V_1 | ~5 |
Spare_5V_2 | ~0 |
Left_Cam/Rear_Cam | ~5 |
Right_Cam | ~5 |
MCI | ~13.7 |
Steering/Solar_sense | ~13.7 |
Spare_1 | ~13.7 |
Main_Disp/BMS | ~13.7 |
Center_Console | ~13.7 |
Rear_Cam_Display | ~13.7 |
L_Disp/Chgr_Interface | ~13.7 |
R_Disp/BPS_strobe | ~13.7 |
Spare_2 | ~13.7 |
Spare_3 | ~13.7 |
DRL/Brake_light | ~13.7 |
Turning_Light | ~13.7 |
Fan Control -
Fan group 2
Fan group 1
Ryan said that there’s no firmware reason for both Main_Pi and Spare_5V_2 to both be zero and he suggested to take a look at the I/O expander connected to both Main_Pi and Spare_5V_2 (which is U10 in this case). More specifically, the following pins: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.
After confirming that these pins are not shorted with one another, I powered on PD and measured the following (from U10):
Table 2
Pin | Reading (volts) |
13: MAIN_PI_B+ EN | ~3.3 |
15: DRIVER_DISPLAY_EN | ~3.3 |
16: 5V_SPARE_1_EN | ~3.3 |
17: 5V_SPARE_DSEL | ~0 |
18: 5V_SPARE_2_EN | ~3.3 |
At this point, both LED14 and LED17 still did not turn on so I decided to measure check the voltages of the input pins of U13 and U4.
So there must have been an issue with the components surrounding
i found out that led14 turns on when i pushed down on pin2 of U13 (fixed this by soldering)
i find out that led17 turns on by probing pin 4 of R89 (most likely soldering issue)
U14 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). I checked for shorts between the pins (which there were none) so then I decided to measure the voltages.
Starting with U13:
Table 3
Pin | Reading (volts) |
1: GND | ~0.14 |
2: IN0 (input 0) | ~0 |
3: DEN | ~3.25 |
4: NC | ~0 |
5: DSEL (diagnosis select) | ~0.14 |
6: IN1 (input 1) | ~3.25 |
7: NC | ~0 |
As you can see in red, the voltage at pin 2 is zero!!! It should be around 3.25 V which is what pin 6 (IN1) is at. While taking these measurements, by luck I found out that LED14 turned on when I applied enough pressure to pin 2; this means that the component lead was “floating” above the pad on the board so I was able to easily fix this by soldering it down. So when I powered on PD again, LED14 turned on.
Moving onto LED17 (connected to U14), I tried to apply the same strategy. This time, I applied pressure to pin 6 but unfortunately, LED17 didn’t turn on. This means that pin 6 was soldered correctly.
So I decided to measure the voltages of the input pins (of U14):
Table 4
Pin | Reading (volts) |
1: GND | ~0.14 |
2: IN0 (input 0) | ~3.25 |
3: DEN | ~3.25 |
4: NC | ~0 |
5: DSEL (diagnosis select) | ~0.14 |
6: IN1 (input 1) | ~0 |
7: NC | ~0 |
Just like the table for U13, as you can see in red, pin 6 is zero!!! It should be around 3.25 V. But pin 6 is soldered correctly, so I needed to look elsewhere. In this case, I moved onto R80 which is the resistor array that is directly connected to U14.
Since LED16 turns on, I decided to measure the following (from R80):
Table 5
Pin | Reading (volts) |
8 (connected to pin 2 of U14) | ~3.25 |
5 (connected to pin 6 of U14) | ~0 |
As you can see in red, the voltage at pin 5 is zero!!! It should be around 3.25 V; this issue again points to another soldering issue but where?
So I decided to measure the voltage at pin 4 (which is directly across pin 5) and found out that the voltage was zero. But it shouldn’t be zero since pin 4 is connected to the 5V_SPARE_2_EN net/trace, which is connected to the I/O expander (U10). From Table 2, the 5V_SPARE_2_EN trace is 3.3 V so this must mean that either pin 4 or pin 5 of R89 is “floating” (i.e. not soldered properly). By luck, I was able to create a solid connection with a test probe at pin 4 while I was taking the measurements in Table 5, so I knew that I needed to solder pin 4. After doing so, I powered on the board and LED17 finally turned on.
Throughout this process, for some odd reason, LED22 randomly decided not to turn on, but this was easily solved by soldering pin 4 of R115 (same process for LED17).
automatically detects as rear board (in minicom)
LED27, LED23, LED4 stay on
LED1 of controller board stays on
VBAT: ~13.5 V
V5: ~5 V
V1: ~3.3 V
LED27, LED23, LED4 stay on
LED1 of controller board stays on
LED27, LED23, LED4 stay on
LED1 of controller board stays on