Websites | Features | Advantages | Disadvantages | Opportunities |
---| | Volunteering links alternative ways to give links news and reports from volunteers, projects, and donors
| Big “donate” button in top right corner that is very visible Interactive map on where to volunteer Links are clear and easy to differentiate in navbar very clear mission statement first thing
| | | | In depth landing page Many links to past projects and what they’ve done Lists multiple ways to help out Organized and easy to navigate menu
| | | Perhaps a section of the landing page (if we were to do a more in-depth one) honouring our sponsors, like “because of our sponsors, we can….” Donate button with the menu maybe
| | One of the biggest volunteer organizations Lots of confident wording - “no challenge is too big for us” Landing page with a specific flowing narrative Lets you pause the home page videos
| Both a “join” and a “donate” button right at the very top, and again at the bottom of the page Causes and mission very clear from the start States their name multiple times on home page
| | | | many call to action buttons quick and clear statement large and easy to ready words Nice Video reel at top of landing page
| call to action is great, gives so many options to get to the same link from one page accessible font size and weight nice drop down menus from navbar easy to find stories for emotional connection
| | | | pop up menu on the bottom Carousel of photos at top of landing page infographics on landing page
| infographics make information easy to digest pop up menus are an easy access way to get additional info and take up less space on a landing page blogs are laid out with dates they were posted calendar to search for time period of blogs
| | add infographic to site put dates on blogs
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