Chassis inaccuracy investigation should use the direct method of creating accurate chassis model and running it in simulations Conclusion: Composite solution FEA will continue, but incorporates a large SF as much as possible We should also do destructive and validation testing of composites and composite joints on the solution found What are the real downsides of sheet metal compared to composite panels besides weight? (Efforts of down selecting material choice for panel solution) Sheet metal is easier to manufacture no testing required more reliable less work for us overall
Need to know more about weight: Aluminum may not be in our design space and there is an easy way to validate that: Order of priorities/working on things: Note: Wouldn’t turn over every rock in the investigation Action Items Invalidate aluminum through welding or attachment research See if we can exclude composites Get updated masses of vehicles Mesh convergence studies Fixed faces of collision object to allow bowing of the collision object itself Contact between collision object and chassis to become frictionless Would need additional ways to constrain Chassis' movement (to compile solution) But there is a chance that it can improve also gives gap between chassis tubes and collision object when (e.g.) the front chassis face bows in front of the collision object if it was bonded - the front tubes of the chassis cannot deform in any way (infinite stiffness problems)
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Material Selection Note: Choose a baseline material at the beginning and try to refine that material later on If there is a reason to change it, just need to check previous documentation