· Side Mount
· Four 7/16” M8 x 1.25mm bolts with nuts, each 50mm long
· One 8-foot 2x4
· Circular Saw
· Drill
· 7/16” 8.80mm drill bit (for standard fit)
· Square-head drill bit
This assembly plan includes instructions for one side of the B-Bulkhead. The same This assembly should be done on each side. Each bulkhead does not need to be installed at the same time, but if they are to be installed simultaneously, extra holding jigs and 2x4 pieces of wood will have to be cut. twice, so that there is a mounting method for each side. One side mount is required per side. Once everything is installed and all clamps are tight and in place, let dry and them remove all jigs carefully.
Cut three pieces of 2x4: 3 5/32”; 2 3/4”; 12 1/3” (these do no have to be exact as it is just a jig, but closer values will give best fitthis is just a rough estimate based on current chassis model. Take new measurements during assembly process.)
Align two smaller pieces 1 9/16” in from the edges of the larger piece
Predrill 2 holes (two side-by-side) for wood screws over each red arrow
Drill in the wood screws
Place holder jig in chassis
Repeat until two holding jigs have been fabricated
Figure 3: Holding Jig Assembly
The side mount should be machined and installed so that structural adhesives can bond to the extra surface area that it provides, making the bulkhead more secure. Two holes should be drilled through the chassis. Line up the side mount centered on the chassis tube and 132approximately 70.71mm 3mm from the T-Shaped connection (seen on the left in Figure 4). Mark and drill two 7/16” thru holes one 8.80mm thru holes in the chassis, and also cut a 8.80mm radius and 30mm long slot in the chassis. Insert 7/16” This will allow for adjustability. Insert M8 bolt from top for both holes and fasten them with a nut at the bottom. Grind off remaining bolt is any is leftover. High strength thread lock could be used for extra security, or the nut could be welded to the bolt.
Figure Figure 4: Side Mount Location
Figure 5: Side Mount Detail Drawing
Structural adhesive is to be used in all clamping locations. A Cc-clamp will be used to fasten the bulkhead to the side mount, and a scrap piece of wood should be placed on the bulkhead to protect it and to distribute the clamping force. Clamping directions are shown with red arrows in Figures 6, 7, and 8. The straight 2x4s on the upper part of the bulkhead are each to be cut so they are 28.” If pipe clamps do not come with rubber protection on the end, place a piece of scrap wood between the pipe clamp and bulkhead for protection.
Figure 7: Pipe clamp locations
Figure 8: Side mount clamping locationc-clamp location