As you see, there aren’t many novel options to help work against delamination. I did manage to find a couple of solutions though. It’s not even like big companies use some different ways, I found a PDF on formula 1 composite manufacturing and they even just used an adhesive film to stick the carbon fibre prepreg to nomex. Other than using one of the above three options or the solution we got from Iowa state, I don’t see there being any other solutions other than getting a stronger epoxy. The shear-key insertion is very interesting and seems like the actual shear-keys don't cost much but, we would have to cut the Nomex in possibly weird ways to achieve this. The kevlar sewing is a very, very interesting solution but, I don’t know how much Kevlar yarn costs (I imagine it is expensive) and unless we want to do it by hand manually, we will most likely have to build some sort of machine to do this. Debulking, although not a direct solution to delamination should possibly be integrated into our work to improve the quality of our fabricated parts.
For Reference
The following is a picture of what Iowa State came up with