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Advanced Concepts and Numerics

Advanced concepts probably aren’t needed for nowaren’t needed for simple simulations. These will only be needed for rotating wheels, ventilation fans, or other complicated features.

Numerics is another section that I would consider as advanced settings. The defaults are selected to work for a broad range of simulations, and you shouldn’t need to make changes often.


With that being said, I will record some Numerics settings that have worked well for me (as in better than the defaults). It’s up to you if you want to use these settings.

I’ve been using automatic relaxation, smooth solvers for almost everything except pressure, which I used the GAMG solver for, and I used Gauss linear for each of the Gradient settings. For the Divergence settings, I set the Default to Gauss linear and the other 3 to Gauss upwind. All Laplacian settings were set to Gauss linear corrected, all Interpolation settings were set to Linear, and the Surface Gradient setting was set to Corrected.

Simulation Control

Simulation control is where we tell the program how long to run the simulation for, along with a few other things. An End time of about 1000 s is usually okay, for a lot of simulations I used 750 s or 800 s to get results faster. The Write interval can usually be matched to the End time, unless you want to see the results at multiple time points. 2e+4 s or 2.5e+4 s should be fine for the Maximum runtime. If it takes a little longer, that’s also fine. I have always used Potential flow initialization, as I have had simulations diverge frequently without it. With that being said, I tested this feature a while ago and I’ve changed several things since then so it may not be needed anymore. The rest of the settings can stay as defaults.
