List of potential sponsors and their statuses.
- If a sponsor is not interested at all they are retired and removed from this list.
- If a sponsor is yet to be contacted or wishes to be contacted later down the road they are to be left on this list.
- If a sponsor has expressed they wish to move forward with sponsorship they are to be moved to the respective active pages.
Company Name | Goal | Status | Description | Date Contacted | Internal Contact | Contact Name | Contact Email | Contact Phone Number |
Department of Management Sciences | Monetary |
Jan 28th, Voice Mail left | Laurier BBA | Monetary |
| Follow-up Email, Follow-Up Phone Call | 11/11/2015 | Zack Bernholtz | Eileen Morouney | | 519.884.0710 ext.2677 |
Follow-up Email, Follow-Up Phone Call |
Chemical Engineering | Monetary |
Department of Physics | Monetary |
| Jeff Chen/Bonnie Findlay |