Date conducted: 05/25/2019
Research goals
To improve the driving/riding experience in MSXIV, specifically related to dashboard interactions, by:
Using MSXII as a model
Understanding driver needs/pain points
Becoming familiar with different situations that drivers may be involved in (short vs. long distance, reverse, etc.)
Analyzing the UI of the MSXII center console
(Loose) Script
What are different driving situations you went through?
Run through each of them.
Where/How/What do you expect _______?
Experience like with the center console?
When would you use?
What would you use it for?
Frustrations? (visibility, ui, reachability?)
DRIVER 1 (Adrian)
Process of driving on a track
Cars don’t always start on the track, separate pit lane for people to work on cars
Let pit crew first, they go thru tests (horn, rearview camera), block off lane, and then whistle to go
Before Drive, parking brake is usually on to not roll around
Get in car, bring weights
Seat belt - frustration; immobile
Pit lane on ramp ready to enter track, check blindspot (hard to check)
Motor noise interferes with bluetooth signal for center screen
To pass a car, usually go to left: go behind, left signal, auto horn
Helmet makes it harder to see
When being passed by another car, look at camera monitor
Difficult to gauge how far away passing car was
Center Screen
Some telemetry on the screen
Problems: Screen too small, infographics weren’t really useful, center screen not angled well which caused glare; hard to read
Chase car has telemetry info; would be nice to still have telemetry access in car in case connection gets lost
Maybe emergency mode to make text really big
Passenger can help read off screen
Most important things on screen:
Battery voltage and current draw
Array (V and I)
Can figure out efficiency, if array is over-charging from voltage too high (car shuts down automatically), can use to troubleshoot
**if car shuts down will you still be able to see the screen/lights?
Backup battery
Steering stalk controls
Headlights (never used)
Maybe adding custom buttons to steering wheel, smaller buttons, protruding out (easier to press), labelled
Hazard also on steering stalk
Cruise control would have been nice (steering stalk, to turn car on and off)
Dashboard (**center console?) buttons had trouble with interference **what interference?
Signal noise (electrical, the way the buttons were wired (elec noise bc of motors)
Better quality hardware :3
Could turn the car off with stalk, sometimes accidentally turned it off
Stalks kind of confusing because they don’t match with actual features
Hard to tell if the E-stop button is on or not
Press to turn on, twist to release
E-stop good for hard resets
Way to dim screen
Two ways to navigate center console? Touch + knob?
With msxiv, driver might be closer to center console
Other interior
Used to be a killswitch for battery that runs control boards to prevent needing to go to the back to do things
Looking through steering wheel to drive
Flipped steering wheel upside down to look through
Height of steering wheel too high
Added seat cushions to deal with not being able to move far enough front, maybe adding a block on pedal for shorter drivers
Snacks and water put in side of seats
Ventilation in front of car (but didn’t really work well)
Light is helpful on top? **
Separating circuits ?reduce noise **Separating circuits from steering wheel to console, console to battery?
Camelbak storage?
Turn cameras on/off
Fault detector for easier troubleshooting
Like having screen in the middle (but should probably do mockups to check)
Buttons on bottom, not top of center console (easier to press)
Radio - radio mounted to earbud, ppt to glove, better would be a button on steering wheel, wire was too short
DRIVER 2 (Micah)
Super hot :O everything was hot :O everything was black :O
Have to take hand off steering wheel to use headsets
Wires got tangled, disconnected
Rearview was a backup camera, so could only see things directly behind you
Center console
Battery pack voltage and current were important, signalling left/right
When speed wasn’t working (and since there was no cruise control), used meter that shows driving consistency from a current draw perspective. but there were no units
Telemetry wasn’t working properly
Times were not always accurate
Didn’t know why car turned off sometimes (low voltage vs. emi**??)
Bootup for driver display took long; 30 sec - 1 min
Bugs related to drive state
Knowing drive state is important (light up?)
Having SOC estimate would be nice
Would have been cool to have how long you have been driving for (for that day)
Accidentally kept the turn signal on by accident because there was no noise (didn’t go back automatically)
Maybe a screen next to steering wheel is a better indicator if turn signal is on
Car doesn’t go into drive unless you press on brakes
Would be nice to get a message that you aren’t pressing on brakes when you want to go into drive (more feedback from car in general)
Hazard light turned on by steering stalk which was annoying because didn’t know how to turn them on**?
Cruiser control stalk used to turn car on/off/drive states
DRIVER 3 (Robin)
Center screen
Screen placement, how far you had to look, hard to see information
Whole bunch of info (graphs) in between the numbers you wanted and the numbers you wanted
Ideally someone in the lead/chase car would have this information and tell driver what to do; unless telemetry is down, wouldn’t need that information
The physical screen was too low
Most important: Speed and (battery) voltage; shouldn’t be voltage this time; should be SOC, Cruise control on/off
All buttons were broken :0
Mechanical parts failed
Radio awful! Kept dropping radio, take hands off wheel, re-adjust earpiece, couldn’t hear sometimes, lose communication
Steering stalk
Cruise control, most important for steering wheel
Steering stalk was super confusing, random patterns to do, mapped oddly
Top research findings/insight
Drivers need more feedback from the car
Reminder to activate parking brake before Drive state
Turn off turn signal after turning
Why the car shut down (array voltage and current draw, low voltage, emi**)
Extra battery source?
Most important information for drivers
Battery pack voltage (SOC)
Turn signal
Drive state
Improve communication method (radio/PTT)
Other usability problems:
Telemetry connection issues
Visibility (cameras)
Mechanical stuff (buttons not working)
Design considerations based on research findings
Drivers need more feedback from the car
Test different kinds of feedback: visual, sound, tactile
Where will components live? (steering stalk vs. center console)
How can drivers be informed in case of telemetry problems?
Most important information for drivers
Improve visibility of these primary metrics
Improve communication method (radio)
More stable/less interference
Other usability problems:
Heat: How to improve especially for backseat passengers
Next steps
Build lo-fi physical prototype and complete round one of usability testing
Find out what the MSXII screen looked like and how it was built/coded
Understand all possible reasons for the car to shut down to design feedback options