Versions Compared


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Comment: Update with macOS instructions


Step 3: Install Python version 2.7 you will need to add it to your environment path so that the makefile Makefile runs the lint correctly.

Step 4: In theory that should be everything. Try it by cloning a copy of the template from here and building it in Eclipse. If you can't build then you may have to use bash for Windows 10 to build (goto step 6).

If building in Eclipse works for you then you can stop here. Note that linting may require you to use powershell Powershell of bash for Windows and run the command "python <path to file(s)>" in the project-template directory.


Code Block
$ sudo apt-get -y install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0 binutils gdb python2 gcc-arm-none-eabi


If it compiles you did everything right (except perhaps the linter (check this by running make lint) if not you need to fix or add something. You should produce a file called main.elf.

Mac OS X:

I don't own a Mac nor do any of the software core members. All the tools should, in theory, be OS X compatible so you can try building the same tools that those using the Linux guide do. Alternatively, you can follow the Windows instructions following a different section of the guide in step 2. 

A more detailed guide is coming SoonTM All this has been tested on a Virtual Machine running El Capitan.

Step 1: Follow the commands on this site to install brew.

Step 2: Install gcc-arm-embedded using brew

Code Block
brew cask install gcc-arm-embedded

Step 3: If you have Python 3 installed (or Python 2 is called via python), alias python2.7 to python2.

Code Block
alias python2='/usr/bin/python2.7'

You should probably add this to your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc, depending on how you configure your bash variables.

Step 4: Try cloning a copy of the template from here and building it by navigating to the directory and typing 

Code Block
$ make

If it compiles, you did everything right (except perhaps the linter (check this by running make lint) if not you need to fix or add something. You should produce a file called main.elf.

Project Template

The package template contains seven directories, a Makefile, a linter and a README. Use this for starting new projects only. Existing projects will have their own repositories which will share a copy of libraries, linker, and extra. 
