TEAM: Daphne Lai (Deactivated) Ivan Cao (Deactivated) Jieun Lee Renzo Villanoy
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How are we feeling?Ivan- will continue looking for tomorrow or Thursday Will attempt FEA again. Lookup formulas for thickness testing. Can try without simulations. Get it done by the end of this week. Renzo - tweaking rear electronics, and redesign the shape for the exterior. Needs ballpark for material specs. Jieun - ask Ivan to hand over some research to her. Adrian mentioned looking at the aesthetics and seal. Renzo → research mounting hardware: bushing, fasteners, click-bonds, etc. no space under the chassis tubes. Schedule changesNew meeting times Tuesdays @ 2 pm - Ivan, Jieun, Daphne Tuesdays @ 7 pm - Renzo, Jieun, Daphne Thursday @ 2 pm - Ivan, Jieun, Daphne Thursday @ 7 pm - Renzo, Jieun, Daphne Wednesday @ 9:00 pm - Renzo, Jieun, Daphne Saturday @ 1:00pm - Whole team |
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How are we feeling?Renzo - Good, we’re pretty ahead. The catamaran is very self-contained (☞゚ヮ゚)☞☜(゚ヮ゚☜). Ivan - Pretty good, just to confirm stuff with stakeholders and is good. Jieun - Needs some more direction. How are we fastening the cover onto the catamaran?Relay fastening over to Ivan. 3M double-sided industrial used, epoxy, etc. Do some research on adhesives that may be combined with a hardware fastener. #1 - latch to take the lid off (this is the one Renzo is doing) #2- mounting it onto the chassis (this is the one Ivan is doing) Testing and validation for JieunWe can’t really do a roll-over test right now. Testing will definitely have a more significant role later. Materials/ManufacturingIvan does not need to find the manufacturer himself (that’s for Supplier Interfacing). He does need to document and organize what the Supplier Interfacing team and the machining companies need to know for the cover. ConceptingWaiting for Adrian for front vent, latching for the lid, space behind the rear electronics (can we reduce the cover for aesthetics? or will it interfere with airflow?) The cover extends over the chassis tubes so we need a double-check on that. Proposal PlanningDRI will do their own thing while follow our “key things” we plan to discuss during the meeting. Hopefully we can have everyone for the meeting on Thursday night
Design Phase meeting?Either during the stakeholder meeting or after the stakeholders. Questions: