charger_controller: This module is effectively a wrapper around mcp2515 that manages communication explicitly with the charger. It can be thought of as the ‘driver’ for the charger.
uses mcp2515’s driver to send charging messages
charger_contoller_fault_monitor (merged into charger_controller)
registers can rx callbacks to find faults.
in case of a fault, broadcasts it to the rest of the car.
when PWM_READING_REQUEST is raised, it will use PWM to do a reading for max current.
raises a PWM_READING event with the max current reading.
sets up the interrupt for when the charger gets powered from AC.
raises a CHARGER_CONNECTED, CHARGER_DISCONNECTED, event when the interrupt triggers.
once the charger connects, it sends a permission request to centre console, here’s two cases:
centre console will grant permission
it starts the begin_charge_fsm
centre console won’t grant permission
charger does nothing, and waits for a disconnect and connect.
it begins PWM reading by raising a PWM_READING_REQUEST
then it will wait for MAX_CURRENT_AVAILABLE
then it will set the state of the control pilot
then it activates charger_controller and charging begins.
it will stop the charger_controller
it will set the control pilot pin
it will broadcast a CHARGER_DISCONNECTED CAN message. So centre console can allow for power state transitions.
repeatedly receives CAN_(battery_voltage)
if more than a threshold, begins the stop_charge_fsm