Relay control: to close relays, pull the pin high and verify successful. There are two relays to control.
Killswitch: monitors killswitch status, if pressed, fault BPS
Current sense: talk to the ADS1259 through SPI, periodically read current, and fault BPS if overcurrent
Voltage sense: talk to daisy chained LTC6811s through SPI, trigger ADC conversions, read back the results, fault BPS if overvoltage or undervoltage
Temperature sense: cycle through 20 thermistors through the ADG731 MUX, trigger conversions, read back the results, fault BPS if overtemp
BPS heartbeat: periodically send a heartbeat to rest of car, ensure it’s acknowledged
Fan control: control 4 fans, notify if they’re stuck
Logging: log all temperature, voltage, current, fan state, and relay state data over CAN. Eventually over UART to a raspi for SOC, but not for MVP.
Passive balancing: tell the AFEs to bleed the highest charge cell until all cells are within 25mV.