For new Sponsorship members looking for a Guide on contacting Sponsors
Step-by-step guide
1. Find a Sponsor to contact - This can happen one of two ways: (1) You will be given a sponsor by either Clarke Vandenhoven Chris Kang (DeactivatedUnlicensed) or or Micah Bai (2) you will contact a company that you have worked for or that you have family members/family friends work for.
2. Research - Before reaching out to a company, you should make sure you know what the company does, their Corporate Social Responsibility mandate and basic contact information. The more you know about the company, the easier it will be to convince them to sponsor us. Also make sure to read the email templates and
3. First Contact - We strongly recommend calling the company as a first point of contact. The person you talk to first will probably be a phone operator/secretary. Explain that you're from a student design team and ask to be transferred to marketing or HR (or ask where it would be most appropriate to inquire about a sponsorship). While on a call with a sponsor, be sure to mention who you are, what school we are from, and what we do. THIS IS SURPRISINGLY EASY TO FORGET (ESPECIALLY GIVING YOUR NAME!)