The board seems to be resetting at a rate independent of the rate at which I toggle the CS pin. By resetting, I mean the 5V LED toggling off (for a short time, about 100ms before turning back on). So the device seems to be going into a sleep state or something before waking up again via the SPI command.
Battery Stack Monitor
Gerald Aryeetey (Deactivated) and Micah Black tried to get the LTC6811 chip to talk using code from the old car, modified to work with just 1 AFE.
They seem to always be replying with a '0' for the cell voltage measurement, causing a bad CRC error. It is unknown at this point whether it is a problem with the code or a problem with the hardware.
Here is a scope image of the VREF2 pin when the commands are sent.
So it seems like the device is waking up. More debugging to do. Liam Hawkins any ideas?